Monday, 17 May 2010

It occurred to me that it would benefit many readers if I expanded the theme on last Wednesday’s blog about the fluctuation that the imbalances in the hormonal function creates in the female body and emotions.

Throughout the early part of this year I have been travelling around Finland telling about my Wellness book and the Lady Grace product range.  The two were launched together in February and go hand in hand - the book tells about “the what and how to prevent” the effects of stress and the products help to bring about the wellness feeling.

On my travels I have met women of all ages and all walks of life and my experience is that almost all women do have some disturbances in their hormonal cycle caused by the hectic lifestyle of this era. When I talk about the products that are developed especially to balance these disturbances (PMS, Fluid Balance and Lady Gold) I meet with bemusement, unease and even embarrassment. These reactions in turn baffle me and make me think whether we women are always aware what brings about the discomfort, tiredness, anxiety and irritation.

On the other hand I wonder whether the female image of today demands such perfection that we should remain perfectly calm and posed in all possible situations and during all stages of the month. We do have our hormonal cycle and it has a purpose in our lives and in the life of the human race and most of us have PMS (pre menstrual syndrome) at times.

Physically it may manifest itself as painful breasts, weight gain, tiredness, constipation, painful calves etc are often the result of too much fluid in the tissues. Once we can normalize the elimination of these fluids the unpleasant feelings will ease. 

Unusual pains and aches, tiredness and allergic reactions come up easier than normal during the last part of the menstrual cycle also we tend to be prone to other health problems during this last part of the cycle.
At the emotional side we experience anxiety, irritation, rage, weepiness, need to be alone, need to have silence around us, lack sexual drive and a myriad of other feelings.

All of these signs, physical and emotional, get worse when stress increases. I recommend you to try from the book, some of the many different ways in which to help bring regularity to the cycle an to  relieve the PMS because to bring about a more permanent change you may need to change some of your daily routines. You will find that the PMS eases once your bodily functions balance and your emotions calm.

More about this towards the end of the week. I thought to write about the powerful effect that  aromas can have on our emotions.

I am also happy to answer questions on the blog.  If you have a question, this same question is probably puzzling many others also. 

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