Monday, 14 January 2013

Inspirational Spa Life conference England 2012

How one person can keep a 300 strong audience of spa operators, suppliers and staff holding their breath for an hour.

Frank Dick OBE, gray haired gentleman arrives at the front of the hall… mumbles something and I strain my ears to hear. Did he say something? … and then loud and clear
“When you have a name like Dick you do not want to say it out too loud” and the whole audience roars out laughing. He got us all!

He is giving a talk on how to run a successful business.
“ Probably the only sustainable competitive advantage you have is the ability to learn faster than the opposition”.( Arie de Geus) appears on the wall. There was tension in the air – an anticipation – What? - is this what I came to hear? how am I going to achieve this? this is not going to be easy!

You are responsible for you own performance to always be the best you that you can be. You are responsible for your own development to accept to be a coach and to accept coaching. You are responsible for coaching the others. 

He goes over to someone in the audience, takes her hand and says. “You have a great team working for you and together you created something superb and get great success and recognition with it. You bask in the glory and get all the thanks for a great job done. You go back to your team glowing of your glory and totally forget that it was not you alone who made the success possible, giving no credit to the rest of the team! Do you think they will be giving you the same performance THEIR BEST the next time you need them to?”
You need to and you must free every member of your team to take hold of their responsibilities for themselves. No one gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror and says “ I am going go out there today and screw up well and good” Everyone wants to be successful at what we are doing. So you need to be the light to every member of your team to guide them to find the best in themselves. And at every stage of their development reflect the light that they have within them right back at them. When they are ready, be the wind under their wings, get out of their light and let them fly to take the responsibility for their own performance. To be the best they can be!

You have a place in this world that no one else can fill. You have task in this life that is yours to perform. If you do not do it, no one else can take you place. Your unfulfilled mission in this life will leave an empty space.

It is not going be easy. If you have had hard challenges up to now they will get harder. You can learn to climb the mountain only by doing it. Not going round it or using a ladder. You need to go there face the challenge and climb. You will fall but you will try again. Success is not a straight road. It has many bends, twists and turns but it is possible.

If you do not do it – who will?  If not now – when?

He enlivened his talk with cuts from films about different sporting events to show how the worlds best won the races and got the goals by doing their best at every stage of the way.
He is famous, received the Queens medal of Order of the British Empire. He has been the most successful football and sports coach in England for many decades. Now I know why.

He is inspirational!

Successes for this new year 2013 for all of us.