Thursday, 12 April 2012


and I have woken up

The first crocuses were peeping out of the ground when I was at the Professional Beauty exhibition at Excell in London in early March. Tens of thousands of women (mostly) looking for inspiration to brighten up the body and skin after the winter. I was spending my time at the Spa Business Association stand making contacts with Spa professionals. It was a pleasure. Thank you.

Now back here in Finland and the spring is showing its first signs here too.

The early light makes waking up in the morning a joy. The wonderful feeling of the warmth of the sun brings a smile to the face. Something stirs in you as if to say move! Get your body going and enjoy being alive!

So after the lazy, dark winter evenings on the settee we get up and start jogging, hiking, biking and whatever we feel the need to do. … and get our muscles aching … and then it is not so much fun after all … Do not give up though!

The muscles are telling you they are alive too. They are telling you that you need to keep up the movement. But you could start by being kinder to yourself. No need to bike for 20 miles on the first day or to aim for the marathon next month… And even if you are kinder to yourself and do less the muscles may still get tired and cramped. Your mind would love to do more but…

I love dancing, swimming, yoga, gardening, Zumba® and playing with my grandchildren.

My passion is essential oils and products made from them. It is my life and my work and over the years I have developed many wonderful products to help us to make our daily life easier, happier and healthier.

So to make the best of this wonderful need to awaken our body, our senses and feelings there is the Sport-Fitness set of four products that are just the ticket to keep you going. I know for I and thousands of others have used them and kept on moving irrespective of age. Kept on getting fitter, happier, stronger and slimmer!