Sometimes there just is too much of even the good things. So to keep up your summer feeling I have picked for the subject of this blog some products that I have developed.

I picked another two Lady Grace products that, in addition to bringing on a good mood will also give you physical wellbeing.
When there is an abundance of light one really does not want ot go to bed. Sometimes the next day may demand activity and then you will need the Energy boost lotion. Roll it on your calves (they are the ones that move you along), lower back (when your lower back is tired you are tired and nothing feels like anything) and finally onto your chest and throat so you mind will also get wings.
I love reading and doing sudokus when I have the time. The problem is that when one concentrates deeply the postures one settles in can be difficult to say the least and cause tension in the neck. So Tension Neck lotion is just what the doctor ordered, it eases the discomfort in the neck muscles and brings about a feeling of calm like summer sauna by the lake.
In the summer time particularly with the children small mishaps are bound to happen; grazed knees, splinters in fingers, stings or bites by bugs. For all of these Tea-tree Plus is the answer. It is plus because we have added to the essential oil of tea tree some lavender eo. to care and nurture the skin, olive leaf extract for it antiseptic qualities and diluted it in the right proportion for safe, easy and effective use. You know essential oils are not to be used undiluted on the skin.!
For a keen mover, summer is the time to move more. Often we can get carried away in the beginning and do over our abilities with the result that no moving is possible for the next few days or even a week. Now I will tell you what happened to me last week end.

Once again even after all these years these nature’s magic drops have surprised me. I know Sport Power is powerful (I have developed it myself), but I never expected so great and positive experience from it.
Give it a try you, who like to put your body to test – and feel the boost
Every now and then we women want to do something fun and silly. Well I have always found the peat saunas much fun in the summer by the sea or the lake where you can wash the peat off the skin.
In our Aroma Vartaloturve we have added vegetable and essential oils to the peat, which is in its natural state only mechanically lifted from its original environment. It is refreshing to the mind and body, cleanses and cares for the skin and due to the vegetable oils it does not dry in the sauna and stick to the skin. Each 250g bag is enough for one whole body treatment.
And finally I want to mention Lavender water and the essential oil of lavender. They are the first aid for most everything. Lavender water cools and soothes the skin if one has enjoyed the sun too much. It is suitable for everyone from 7-years upwards. I do not recommend though that pregnant or lactating mothers, or little babies use essential oils on the skin. Moskitoes avoid lavender oil but it is not a 100% repellent, but if one does happen to get you it is excellent to calm the irritation of the bite and itch. For the smallest in the family I suggest the use of the Tea-tree Plus, one drop carefully directly on the bite.
With these one should manage through the little worries of the summer. Sun, light and joy for us all.